Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Yurt Floor: 4 coats in

So, I've now put two full strength boiled linseed oil coats on the floor and "grouting", as well as two coats of 75% boiled linseed oil/25% mineral spirits.  We would have preferred to use raw linseed oil and a citrus sol thinner, but can't get them locally.  Really expensive to order in, too, so we just used what we could get.  I have used probably 4-4.25 g (guesstimate) of the boiled linseed oil so far.  We plan a fifth and final coat that is the linseed oil with melted beeswax in it.  We have had a cold, wet streak in weather and are waiting for a warmer day to do that final coat.  Probably this Friday or Saturday.

This is how that very first coat looked vs nothing on the floor (only damp wiped):

Here's what the floor is looking like right now:

Everything really darkened, even the "grouting".  There is little color difference between the "grouting" and the "flagstone".  Just an observation.  We don't care one way or the other, really.

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