Saturday, July 28, 2018

Meeting with the Water Well Driller & More Digging

We met again with Derek Kuester of Kuester Well Drilling. Derek is a super nice guy with an exuberance for life. He's a lot of fun to talk with. He and Brent located the path in from the driveway to the well site for his drilling rig today. We also filled out the permit paperwork. It will take 1-2 weeks for the permitting to go through and then he'll let us know where we fit into his schedule. On the suggestion of a friend, we opted for requesting a domestic and livestock use permit. We don't anticipate having livestock, but someone in the future might. It's easier to get it on the front end than to try and request it added later. Now, we may try our hand with chickens and rabbits again, so if they are considered livestock, we'll be covered. The permit will give us 1 acre-foot per year of water. Way more than we'll need.

After Derek left, we got back into the digging for our yurt site. We were able to get all of the A and B horizons cleared off and are down to the clay layer now. We were pretty tired and called it good for the day. About 4.5 cubic yards moved according to Brent's estimate. The site is not level, so the next step is digging down mostly on the uphill side and seeing if we can reach level before bedrock – not sure which will happen first. We also have the option of building up the lower end to help reach level rather than digging down the upper end to reach level. We shall see how it comes out.

Oh, our color swatches came for the yurt. I think we'll be going with an earthy blue teal for the wall and a tan roof. When I mentioned this to Fortress Yurts, I was told this is a gorgeous combination and one of their favorites. We plan to make our order next week.

Another aside is that Brent built a double sized bi-fold futon frame a couple of days ago. I will be ordering a chem free futon mattress (most likely wool and cotton combination) for the frame and this will be our bed and couch for the yurt. Need to get that order made this next week too!

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